Influencers of Social Media

    A term and concept that I found interesting was the idea of social media influencers. These are people who have built a reputation for their knowledge or expertise on a topic. This could be comedy, makeup, trick shots, giving advice, doing an interesting job, etc. However, nowadays you can be famous without even having any talent. Some types of influencers include YouTubers, Podcasters, and people who post on social media platforms. Anyone can be an influencer if you have followers. Most influencers are micro-influencers with between 1,000 and 40,000 followers.

     Social media influencers also aid in the idea of “cancel culture.” This is a movement to remove celebrity status or esteem from a person, place or thing based on offensive behavior. For example, Shane Dawson who is a YouTuber has been accused of saying the N word and racist remarks. Moreover, sexualising underaged children which lead to many lawsuits against him and his family. This shows it has negative effects due to the fact that everyone is watching their moves. However, it can also be seen as good because it checks society from saying and doing offensive things.

    On the good side, this is great for marketing because brands love social media influencers as they can create trends and encourage followers to buy products they promote. For example, when you scroll on your Tik Tok page, sometimes you see influencers promoting a product or brand on an advertisement. This is known as celebrity endorsements and is a strategy tactic in the marketing world. Lastly, influencers help people find their people because of common interests. They build a fan base to promote fun trends and build new connections. For example, Zach King has over 24 million followers thanks to his positive stories and ‘magic vines’ that make people smile. He posts random videos, comedic videos, and other fun visuals. Everything he posts is designed to get you to laugh or smile, making life's stresses easier to contend with.
