Relationship Status: Complicated


    My relationship with technology is complicated. Personally, I believe my relationship with technology is healthy when it comes to finding academic information. I am able to find reliable information and it informs me on news and helps me discover things I never knew. For example, I learned that you can use Snopes which is a website that fact checks and sorts out myths on the internet. However, when it comes to social life, it can be sometimes dangerous. I find myself getting FOMO and compare myself to others when they post online. A study showed that the frequency of Instagram use was linked with negative outcomes including depression, lowered self-esteem, appearance anxiety and body dissatisfaction. I worry sometimes that I am giving technology too much time in my life that I am unable to live in the present moment. It is always important to have a balance in life and sometimes you just need to put down your devices and connect to what’s around you. We have to accept that technology is going to have its pros and cons so it is important to remember to not let it totally control us.

    When it comes to my friends and family, technology plays a huge role in my relationships with them. Do these devices bring us closer together or further apart? I think the answer depends on when you were born. My grandparents and parents look at my generation thinking that we stare at our phones everyday and that we are antisocial. But I believe we’re just socializing differently. Some research says instead of isolating people, technology is actually strengthening relationships. One reason being it leads to more offline interaction. These online conversations often lead to in-person plans like coffee or dinner dates. According to Keith Hampton, there is no evidence that digital interactions are replacing face-to-face interactions. In fact, users of technology are also the heaviest users of public places such as cafes and restaurants. Another reason is technology makes relationships closer. FaceBook users are able to discuss topics and offer social support. It also helps us stay in touch over time and if you’re far away. FaceTime and fast messaging systems allow us to stay connected and don't let relationships go dormant. Lastly, it also creates communities based on shared beliefs, interests and shared goals. For example, social media influencers allow users to find their people. I am able to connect with them when before I thought I was the only person who felt that way and experienced something. However, it can also bring us further apart. With a lot of information at our fingertips, there is major political polarization in the United States today. Compared to past years, people are more likely to identify as “very” liberal or conservative rather than “moderately” liberal or conservative. This can lead to extremist views and false information. Searching for reliable information is harder to find due to the fact that there are opinionated articles rather than fact-based information. Some other findings show that technology use leads to less time spent together, less satisfaction and connection and higher levels of depression and anxiety. 

    When it comes to reputation online, if you post something that is unacceptable, there are consequences in which jobs might reject you from a position because of inappropriate behavior online. Googling my name, “Emily Brassil” came up with my LinkedIn profile and Max Preps soccer stats from high school. My online presence shows my professional experience and athletic stats so I don’t think I need to edit anything out. This shows that whatever you post shows your character and who you are. It’s important to create a good image because whatever you post will exist forever.
