In the Age of AI


    Imagine a world of flying cars, robots and talking dogs. We haven’t gotten to that point yet, however, artificial intelligence and machine learning are pretty close. Some positive aspects of these technological advances include medical advances, reduction of human error, and making processes go a lot faster. When it comes to medical advances, scientists are now able to recognize when someone has cancer early on. Furthermore, it also helps in repetitive jobs like verifying information. For example, in banks we see verifications of documents in order to get a loan which is a repetitive task for a bank. This can help remove boring tasks for humans and free them up to do more creative tasks. Another advantage is digital assistants are able to chat on websites to provide helpful information to customers 24/7. With this, it saves the need for human resources. However, is automation taking away human jobs?

There are some downsides to artificial intelligence that are surprising and horrifying. In the Age of AI video, due to automation, the number of jobs available are low because of tech progress. In fact, automation has lowered the standard of living by 5% due to the fact that the middle class is not doing routine work. These jobs include insurance companies, HR departments and finance because artificial intelligence can transfer data much faster. As the saying goes, the wealthy are getting wealthier and the poor are getting poorer because artificial intelligence is creating wealth for the people of capitalism.

AI is the ultimate tool for creating wealth. When it comes to privacy and security, there is none. Artificial intelligence knows your every move and what you’re going to do next. That is why FaceBook, Google, Amazon and other technological companies have so much power when it comes to user preferences. Everything you do is producing data while the computers are learning and personalizing things to you. We’re not searching google, rather, google is searching us. Google’s revenue line increased by 3,590% because they found a way to find out our digital traces. This is valuable to predict users interests and what kind of advertisement a user would click on. This system has infiltrated our homes with Alexa systems and even manipulated election outcomes. For example, China is on its way to building a surveillance state to promote its political leverage and project its influence all over the world. They call it the Belt and Road Initiative, and already 58 countries are starting to plug into China’s surveillance systems in order to watch every move of their citizens.

    How can AI be used to create a safe environment but not abuse our privacies? The algorithms don’t necessarily have the same goals as us which is important that we should control it. According to the California Consumer Privacy Act, we have the right to know, the right to say no, and third parties opt out. This means you can go to the company and ask what personal information they have, and tell them to not sell my information. This had a huge impact on the spread of information on the internet.
