The Hidden Voices of Anti War

    The Anti-war movements have been swept under the radar in the United States. In fact, last year the government’s funding was $768 billion and this year, the president requested a $32 billion increase “to protect America”. But who is attacking us? This is substantially more than during the Korean war, Vietnam war, and the entire Cold war. Yet, no one has tried to attack the U.S. nor is anyone likely to do so. Furthermore, the U.S. is pouring money into the Pentagon. But why do we need it? To defend other nations.

    Today, the Russia-Ukraine war is another prime example of America’s need for dominance. On the mainstream news, we see the United States as the hero. While our country is built on the First Amendment, somehow opinions that don’t agree with the U.S. 's point of view seems to be hidden and hard to find. According to an anti-war article, the Biden Administration wants US commitment and control which plans to inflate the military budget and add American troops to Europe. The U.S. government wants to keep their military dominance across the world, and they will pay a heavy price in order to do it.

    According to American Conservative, the mainstream news has formed narratives that Putin is “Hitler” and America is the good guy. This is a similar pattern to Joseph Stalin when he was seen as a dictator. We see a pattern that the U.S. is deeply involved both during the Cold War and after to affect the autocrats we did not like because it threatens our views. By calling against the government, it is seen as wrong and weakens their reputation. However, the government can’t suppress this information because it violates the First Amendment rights. Instead, they will make this information harder to find. 
