The Issue of Digital Privacy

    Technology can be great and everything but when it comes to privacy, there are major issues. Personally, whenever I talk about something to my friends and family, I get advertisements about it the next day. Whenever I shop online at a specific clothing brand, I get advertisements on my Instagram to buy their products. This allows companies to market their products and services but is it ethical? On Netflix, there’s a show called the “Social Dilemma” that talks about how people are addicted to their devices because algorithms and surveillance systems are manipulating users to get them to stay on social media platforms and newsfeeds. This is a dilemma for anyone who owns technology because it is abusing user privacy. This controls how we behave, think, act, and live our lives because of tech designers. Like Christopher Soghoian talks about in his speech, the phone system has surveillance backdoors built in by default, allowing the government to listen in.

    In order to protect ourselves from invasions of privacy, we have to either limit or be anonymous when it comes to visiting our favorite social media platforms, news and entertainment sites. We have to be careful of what we share because oversharing can cause consequences. A study found that 48 percent of respondents shared information about their children, while nearly 33 percent shared information about their location. A total of 42 percent of respondents shared information about their travel plans through social media. Catherine Crump talks about how police have a device that tracks license plates in order to know where people are going. The government uses this information to manipulate us and advertise to our interests. As of now, the government does not have any regulations on social media platforms which means there is no protection for us as consumers. In the future, laws need to be implemented to protect our personal information to prevent consequences from happening.
